Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer Celebrations

Hey ya'll!

Sorry I've been away for so long - It's been an absolutely crazy chaotic week of friends and guests coming to visit, job interviews, and all of the craziness that comes with both! I haven't had any time to peruse the web and chill out until just now! Hopefully I'll be able to pull up a post each day this week.  I'm once again feeling inspired by the things that are out there!

We're going through a major heat wave here in Dallas. I've actually lost count of the number of consecutive days we've been over 100 degrees.  It's HOT.  It's about 9 pm at the moment, and it's still 103-ish degrees. We're roasting.

On the plus side, this heat does not make us want to eat much food - in any way shape or form.  Even me, the sweet tooth, can't seem to find an appetite for anything else other than fresh fruit. Yes, you heard correctly! The thought of watermelons and ripe, juicy apples makes my mouth salivate the way chocolate and fried foods used to.

So the thought of putting on an event or celebration in the summer just makes me cringe at the moment.  The food would melt in an instant and forget about serving anything with substance!

I came across a beautiful cake today.  Well, to be fair, it's probably not technically a cake. But it definitely made my mouth water at the sight of it! What a great way to celebrate with a big juicy watermelon cake. Decorate any way you see fit - let your creativity shine through! In this picture from Living the Fruity Life, you can see the splendor and the recipe to make this masterpiece!

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