Thursday, February 21, 2013

DIY Work Out Tank

Now listen up, I like to work out as much as the next person (which is rarely). 

I'm just kidding. Honestly, I do love working out and getting that endorphin high.  I'm not crazy overboard about it, but it really makes me feel like a responsible functioning member of society when I do. Not to mention the guilt-free junk food eating habits

However, as I've mentioned before, I tend to lack motivation with many things in my life.  Unsurprisingly, that includes working out. Part of the lackadaisical mindset comes from getting dressed to go do the deed. I want to wear something comfy, where my thighs don't jiggle or rub together, and where I feel like my middle third of my body is being contained. T-shirts work wonderfully for the latter part of this conundrum, and yoga capri's work for the former.  

What I've also come to realize, working out in Texas, is that I can't stand to have sleeves.  I sweat (which is on my top 5 list of Things I Love Least).  I sweat a lot.  Especially when late Spring - early Fall is 90+ degrees.  I can't waste all my tanks on working out! 

Luckily, there's no need to worry.  Catherine, over at Rabbit Food for My Bunny Teeth has solved my problems.  A kick butt, awesome workout tank made from old t-shirts.  Luckily I only have 70,000 old shirts I would love to be able to re-use! And, more importantly, it's easy. Seriously, I'm in the middle of doing this right now (nothing like some good old-fashioned ADD), it's embarrassingly easy. 

A loose-fitting, no-sleeved, work out outfit may just get me to the gym. (I mean, way more than I already do...right?)

Also - check out Catherine's blog too - it's pretty freaking awesome!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So, hello, nice to see you again!


Long time no see? I know, I know, I've been a terrible blogger.  But, you see, I've been busy.  Crazy right? The last two months have been, shall we say, chaotic?  Are you enjoying these questions as much as I am?

I'll fill you in through pictures:

Through January and February, I packed up everything I own, and moved! 

Lainey and I decided to get some fresh air in the suburbs.  We've loved it.  (Yes, my dog tells me everything.  We talk about her feelings, and her daily activities - deal with it). It's incredibly quiet, and peaceful, and unbelievably relaxing.  Not that we've had time to enjoy any of those activities.  We just moved in 2 weeks ago.  

So, why haven't we had time to enjoy our surroundings a bit? 

There's this little adult playground called VEGAS. Yep, me and the boy took a long long weekend last week to Las Vegas.  Technically we were there for 4 nights and 3 ish days, and there for his friend's wedding, but that didn't mean we couldn't have some fun while we were at it! It's an incredible sight to see. I haven't taken a vacation where I didn't feel obligated to be somewhere and see people, in about 2 years.  It was absolutely amazing and relaxing (even in Vegas, I reached new limits of lameness).  Especially after a hectic month of packing, job searching, interviewing, and ...

I got a job! After months of searching, a job finally opened up in our building.  I'm super pumped for the job, and excited for the new challenges it brings.  Hopefully it opens some new opportunities and new interests for me as well! I am excited to be with the same company as I enjoy my fellow coworkers and feel incredibly blessed with this brand new opportunity! 

I'll try to lessen the time between posts. I promise.  No, really, forgive me.   With everything settling down a bit, I should have more time to relish in relaxation and go overboard with my blogging. 

Rule #76 No excuses, play like a champion.