Tuesday, April 16, 2013

25th (ok, 2nd anniversary of...) Birthday Shenanigans!!!!

Hey Ya'll! 

Time is ripe for some happiness? Yeah? 

Well, my 2nd Anniversary of turning 25 was absolutely glorious.  (25 was a pretty killer year for me, so I'm sticking with it for awhile, deal with it) Now, I had a pretty normal birthDAY, went to work, did work things (let's just assume it was a productive work day, ok?).  But, the boy wanted to surprise me with my birthday present that night.  I'm relatively easy going in that sense, so I was excited. 

He started driving.  All of a sudden, I was notsomuch a fan of surprises anymore.  I'd been guiltlessly bugging him for the last 2 weeks about the gift.  I didn't get a peep out of him.  OR my mother.  Ahem. 

So we ended up at the mall.  Where I then received my birthday card finally.  Apparently, he and my mother had co-bought me an Apple Gift Card, so I could finally get an iPad - to play Angry Birds on a much larger screen than my phone.  Aren't they wonderful? (Don't worry, I've found other games to play on it too!)

So, yes. That's where I've been the past few days.  Head stuffed in that cute little machine.  

Moving on.  

We went out for sushi and drinks with 2 of my girlfriends from home, which was a sweet little gathering.  It had been awhile, and it's always good to catch up and have some girl time! Friday night, he made reservations at one of my favorite Italian restaurants, Mi Piaci.  It's fancy, but its fun to be fancy once in awhile!  Saturday, was just a beautiful day.  It ended up about 80-85 degrees, and sunny.  Is there more perfect weather? So, naturally, it was Mani/Pedi time.  Once that was out of the system (Seriously, if you're in Dallas, message me, twas one of the best pedicures I've ever had!), I wanted to head to the park with the pup.  
We went to Klyde Warren Park, which happens to be a park built over a major highway in Dallas.  Basically, it connects both up- and down-town.  It's amazing.  It has Food Trucks, a baby dog park, and so many activities.  I love it.  We then decided to walk through uptown (my old stomping grounds) and patio hop.  It was way too nice to sit inside anywhere in Dallas.  

Later Saturday, I got my first surprise party ever! The boy got my friends together, and we chowed on some delicious cow meat, and went two-steppin'! Listen guys, this guy took me dancing.  I think I'll keep him around.  There was so much redneck ridiculousness - I was in high heaven! 

Last but not least - Sunday was low key, saw a movie and not a whole lot else.  BUT I do have to make a point that we got to the mall early, and after a very long, and eventful weekend, we splurged.  

Guys. We sat in the massage chairs that sit in the middle of the walkways. $5 and 12.5 minutes of leg, back, shoulder and ass massaging? It may have been my favorite part of the weekend. That's why I felt the need to mention it.  Sometimes its fun to splurge on ridiculous things. Everybody wins.

Anyways. Longest post ever. I know. Blonde hair don't care. Onto the pictures:

Opened up the package to find my presents gift wrapped.  She knows me too well!

 Victoria's Secret Baseball gifts!

Card from my Ma

Quite possibly the cutest card in the world.  I had to blow on the candles for it to sing to me.

Sushi and Wine with my girls

I don't know how to photoshop double chins.  Deal with it AJ.

Got all these amazing cards in the mail -- the day after my birthday! (I love extending the day!)

Dressed up to go to my favorite place - Mi Piaci.  (Ok, I lied. This is after dinner. I forgot to take a picture, and made him put his nice dress shirt back on again. I'm a fraud!)

Best pasta in the world - Spaghettini Neri

The boy's diablo pasta.  The Shrimp, Scallops, Mussels were really fantastic (After my tongue regained feeling 10 minutes after tasting - so SPICY!)

Resting in the Shade at the park.  Someone was in heaven!

 Park, Sunshine, Cold beer.  This is the perfectest of perfect days.

 So happy.

 My dog thinks she's a human and deserves human seating. Obvs.

 Spin Art Dip and Craft beers, oh, and sunshine still? Yuuuuup.

You'd think it was her birthday....

Also, she loves beer.  She will do anything to get her hands on it. 

Thanks for skimming the post.  Next time will be shorter, and more worthy of reading.  BUT, it was fun, and I had to share the wonderfulness of some people in the world. It's the little bits that really make an argument for the good in this world. Friends and Family - they are what counts!



  1. looks like you had literally the best birthday ever!! i am so sad I didn't get to be there :(. can't believe you got an iPad!! so jealous!! glad you're surprise party turned out to be a success!

    1. Sad you weren't there too! We'll have to catch up sooooooon!

  2. AWESOME birthday! And they were REAL good at keeping that secret I'm sure as if you're half as annoying about gifts and talking about your birthday as me, I'm sure they wanted to SHOUT it out loud. Happy belated birthday!!

    1. Thank you! I definitely made the boy tell me the surprise on Friday. I'm terrible at secrets and surprises. But I love them! I have a bunch of truly awesome people around me! :)
