Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Conversation Starters!!

I am a shy girl.  The real me has a tendency to come out, after I get to know someone for awhile, and that's when people really start to fall in love with me ;).

However, it's a hard thing for many people (including myself!) to start a conversation with a random person at a get together!  When you don't know someone, conversations generally start with your surroundings, or the old stand-by, the weather.  Now, in Minnesota and Wisconsin, the weather was a perfectly acceptable conversation piece.  Weather in those parts, has PMS.  One day it's hot and sticky, the next day it's rainy and cold. It snowstorms in May and September and has sunshine and blue skies in January.

I've found that in Texas, the weather does not change, for the most part.  In the six weeks I've been here, we've only been out of the 90's for about 7-8 days total.  And out of those days, it's been in the 100's for about 5-6.  Nothing to extravagant there.  Because the weather is so mundane, I've had to resort to the other tactic - by using my surroundings to strike up a conversation.

For a social event to be successful, you want your guests to mingle and socialize (hence the name...) with everybody else at the party.  Conversation starters are always welcome, even by the most outgoing guests! One way to do this, is to create a board with the past 5-10 years  on it, and whip up some cute name cards of all of your friends.  They can then post these name cards onto this "year board" as to the year they met you.  This can create conversations between your guests as they look to create a common bond - which obviously is you!

Most people can generally think up this common bond tactic themselves, but it can be a decorative piece for your event and reminds perhaps, those who may not be thinking of it!

I've found an example on Martha Stewart Weddings. Have fun!

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