I always believed that every wedding had the same criteria to follow, so once I figured out that this was not true, my mind was absolutely blown. I think that's how I began my obsessions with weddings and parties. They were all different! And you could use certain things, and leave other things that you didn't want. (Well, maybe except for the whole exchanging of vows, rings etc.) But you could do it how you wanted, and you got to call the shots. It was the most amazing concept to me, and I couldn't get enough!
One thing I believed to just be a part of the tradition was that the bride always wore a veil. Clearly things change and veils can change length, color, shape, materials etc. Or, the bride didn't even need to wear one at all! GASP!
I girl I went to school with got married this past weekend, and as I was browsing her pictures from the big day, the only thing I could look at was her beautiful headband! It fit her head and hair just perfectly, and gave off the classiest of vibes that any bride hopes for! So naturally, I'm completely obsessed and need to have one right this second. You know, for the wedding of mine that's coming up soon? (Only a hint of sarcasm there...)
After browsing the web for a bit, I came across Twigs and Honey Lace's headbands, flowers and basically wearable art for the big day, in lieu of a veil. I'm definitely contemplating one just for events I attend - perhaps they come in different colors? I certainly hope so!
Plus, I'd kill for this model's hair, it's absolutely gorgeous!
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