Monday, September 20, 2010


Tis the season to change! I'm definitely welcoming a change in seasons, although it's definitely an adjustment to be in Dallas where the leaves really haven't changed yet, and the weather has only cooled down about 5 degrees.  But nonetheless, it's officially Fall in two days!

That being said, it's beginning to be holiday season - and first festive holiday to go nuts with the theme? Halloween!! I found some cute ideas to bake/cook to help get you in the halloween mood!

The pigs-in-a-blanket mummies are my favorite! They are adorable and totally edible! It's just something to play around with.  And if you can't make food fun? You can't make life fun! Life's too short to be boring!

Credit to The Idea Room for these wonderful ideas!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paper Lanterns...The Obsession Continues!

Two posts in one day? Whaaaat!? Good, glad that reaction is over with.  After hemming and hawing over whether or not to post a second (I can't believe it either) time today, I decided to go ahead and do it.  This is short because it's mostly just a continuation of my current paper lantern obsession.  I found some new pictures of events with paper lanterns, and I couldn't stop flipping out.

So, without further ado, how could you not love these? They are absolute perfection. Most can be found on my favorite blog Style Me Pretty!

This last one is my fav-or-rite.  It's amazing the way they manipulated this large venue and filled it with color and made in look perhaps a little less rustic!


I love to bake yummy things.  In most cases I'd choose to bake rather than cook.  (Perhaps it's a sugar addiction?!) Either way, baking is usually caused by a celebration or an event taking place.  Which might be a good indicator of why I love it so much!

A great way to provide favors for your birthday party, wedding, or party guests, is to give them something tasty to take home! Let's face it, once the meal portion is done, many of us just squirm when we hear those fateful words, "Are you ready for some dessert?" I know I generally overindulge during the appetizer or entree portion, so dessert never even really crossed my mind!

But most people tend to love something sweet after a meal, or before bed, so Brandy at Gluesticks  came up with a great idea! You've seen those pre-made mixes for cookies, brownies, pies etc. all sweetly packaged in a lovely jar.  Perhaps if you're willing to take the time to take it one step further and actually bake the celebratory cupcakes!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Color Love

I'm a very visual person, which explains why color is so important to me.  I feed off of color and am stimulated by certain ones (usually the brightest hued ones) and pass right by more of the blah colors.  

When I head into a room - especially for an event, I love to be wowed.  So of course the first thing I notice is the color of the room, theme etc. It is so important to get the right color to fit the mood that is trying to be given off.

So, that being said, I found some examples to show you! You'll notice how differently you feel with each color.  It's AMAZING! Just one little touch of color changes can put you in an entirely different mood! Obviously there's some sort of psychology behind all of this, but I'd rather just focus on the visual stimulation aspect of it and not get into details! :)