Friday, May 31, 2013

Crappy Weeks are Crappy.

Hey Y'all. 

This week sucked major donkey balls.  Yes, I'm putting that the nicest way I know how.  

I don't even know where to begin.  But, it was long, it was strong, basically, got it's friction on. (please tell me you laughed.)

No really, I ended up resorting to buying some flowers at Kroger to liven up my living space, so at least that may cheer me up.  

Luckily, it worked. They're beautiful, if I do say so myself.  

Another way to try to end the week on a positive note? Whitney's "Back that Azz up Fridays". So, yes, on repeat, GO. It always, always, always works. I don't even care. I love it.

As Always,


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Bad Blogger Excuses

Hey Y'all. 

I've been a bad blogger.  But, what else is new, I guess? Another lovely blogger informed me that I need to update my blog.  So, I guess she at least reads this. Sorryboucha.

1. There's been some nasty weather around these parts.  Oklahoma and Granbury absolutely broke my heart.  It's hard to work up some motivation while also being glued to the TV and Twitter for updates on scary weather - including continuously updating the local radar to watch out for myself and my pup.

2.  My computer is wicked slow.  I think she's on her last leg.  Makes for some very long nights, and very little motivation to include links, pictures, or even pretend to be computer-savvy. 

3.  I'm trying very hard to lose weight. Sitting at a computer doesn't exactly inspire the metabolism.  Plus, I absolutey refuse to give up my favorite things in life - wine, beer, pasta, cheese. So, as you can tell, it's going really well.

4.  Work is busy, so blog reading time is restricted to after work.  And by the time I'm done reading my list, I'm exhausted and I can't focus on one particular topic.  

5.  My new iPad is killing me.  Between Candy Crush and beating the boy in Angry Birds Friends (seriously, it's the worst addiction - except for Candy Crush. ) It's the best vicious cycle ever. 

6. I started a puzzle.  Yes, I'm a nerd that still does jigsaw puzzles. And, well, it takes up the entire dining table until I finish.  So, there's not much space to do other things. So, it sits.  As it has for the past 3 weeks. I swear I'll finish it. 

7. It's the end of the TV seasons.  So, naturally, I'm starting up new TV shows on Hulu Plus - and doing massive marathons one right after another.  My days are taken up.  Sorry I'm not sorry.  Actually, I am sorry that I am not Olivia Pope.  Scandal is the best thing that's happened in a long time. I'm so mad there's only been 2 seasons.  Like, legitimately upset.  

This is just to name a few, anyways.  So, I'll do a very list-happy post, and tell you the things that have happened in my life in the past two-ish weeks! 

1. I ran a 5k! Well, more than I thought I would.  Seeing as it is my New Years Resolution to run a whole one, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and run with my running/walking group.  (Plus, the 5k offered free beer, other incentives, obviously).  I finished 2 minutes under my goal.  Which, may not be saying much, but I really was very proud of myself (which I haven't been in awhile).  So, somehow I'm running/walking another one in 2 weeks.  I'm actually pretty jazzed, and it was my idea to run another one so soon.  Who knew!?

2.  My best friend had a baby.  I'm not a kid person, but when your not-by-blood sister has their first baby, something changes you.  I was so sad I couldn't be with her, and so sad I haven't met the sweet peanut yet, but I am so proud of her and her husband.  What an amazing feat! Sweet little Quinn was born 30 minutes before midnight last Monday (she seems stubborn - and I like it!).  And all I've done since then is try to figure out ways to hitchike to Philadelphia and back within a weekend to see my bestest and Quinny-the-Pooh.  Sadly no such plan has been hatched.  I'll keep you updated. 

3. The Office finale rocked my socks off.  I went there.  I promise you, I've never laughed so hard and ugly-cried at the exact same time.  It was ridiculous. Hysterics of both spectrums.  I'm not even mad. 

Sadly, that's really been the big things in the past two weeks.  The rest just fills in this ridiculous little life - and I'm very satisfied with that! 

Oh -  in anticipation of today's potential storms, a few of us acquired some glasses at work to help us out (yes, there are wipers on the glasses) (I work for a ridiculous company)

Tomorrow my department gets to take a half day and spend the afternoon at the Ballpark watching the Rangers take on Oakland.  It's dollar hot dog day and supposed to be beautiful.  I also have some pretty great co-workers, so I am pretty excited for this upcoming short week! WOOP!

As Always,


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Knowing Me is Loving My Dog.

Hey Y'all, 

I'm going to tell you about the most important person in my life. That's right, I said person.  

Meet Lainey. 

I say person, because she may have four legs and a wicked piece of weaponry with her tail, but she's got the temperament of a four-year-old child. She's my baby. 

I adopted Lainey from the DFW Cocker Spaniel Rescue, about a year and a half ago.  I was looking at the dogs and asked to see her outside her cage.  They opened the cage and she promptly jumped right on top of it.  I couldn't stop laughing, and she hasn't made me stop laughing in the past 19 months. The girl's got spunk.

Her favorite activities are making new friends, although mostly human ones, at the dog park. She plays fetch and returns the ball, ohhh about 45% of the time.  

So what really gets her tail wagging? Birds. Squirrels. Anything close in size and runs fast is her kryptonite. She's practiced and nearly perfected her sneak attack skills, although she has yet to catch anything. Sad face.

She specializes in stealing your seat 5 seconds after you've vacated it and tries to butter you up by cuddling (FYI, it usually works).  If needed, she'll stay close by, by walking on the top of the couch (yes, you heard right - she's a gymnast too), and perching on the most comfortable pillow.

Every morning, without a doubt, I find her army-crawling on the floor.  It's her way of stretching, but to see her army crawling from the bedroom to the living room and back, is just a riot. 

Lainey always prefers a mans lap to my own.  This weekend, she was laying in my lap, and after the boy sat down next to me, she got up and moved to his lap instead.  It was possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. And unfortunately, nothing new. Sad all the same though.  

She enjoys Pupcakes, and doggie ice cream (don't worry, I swear she's not spoiled!) (HA, I kid!) 

She knows when she's being a bad pup, and is royally rewarded when she's being a good one! 

Knowing me is loving my dog.  If you don't love this sweet and insane personality, you have a much harder time getting to know me! Because, she's my person. 

As Always,


Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Blog Thoughts (and weekend catch up!)

Hey Y'all,

Soooooo, it's Wednesday night, (CORRECTION: Blogger threw a major temper tantrum last night- so this was Wednesday when I wrote this.) which means the week just started, right? Sorry, exhaustion won the past 3 nights and I couldn't string sentences together (much like tonight, deal with it).  So, in the meantime, I've been stalking other blogs.  I mean, who isn't.  Honestly.  No? Well, agree to disagree. 

Anyways, lately, I've been thinking of taking a class on Web Design because, as phenomenal as my internetting design skills are (I mean, please reference my cut and paste blog as an example!), I really have a vested interest in learning more about it, and using my creativity for the good (I have it in there somewhere, I swear!) So, when Sarah, over at Venus Trapped In Mars (My absolute favorite blog - we'd get along SO well) put up a basic tutorial for blogging, I instantly bookmarked it for later, because, well, you know. 

So, I'm currently working on a new name for this piece of work, and learning, little by little.  So, I apologize in advance for any crazy changes, and more importantly, any crazy things that just don't work and look awful.  It's a work in process (much like myself!) and I, of course, welcome any helpful hints, advice, and criticism!


So Austin happened this weekend, didn't it?  Sure did.  All kinds of adventures went on.  Friends were seen, digestive systems were tested, words made up, and drinks were drank.  So, it sure was a success in my book!

 The Gaslight Anthem Concert

 Goofin' around the State Capitol

 The Salt Lick (Apparently it's a big deal)

 Patio Games and Drankin'

6th Street Shenanigans

This post may have been the death of me, but it's up.  And blonde hair don't care.  I'm ready for this weekend already.  Big 3-0 birthday plans for the boy!

As Always,