Thursday, February 21, 2013

DIY Work Out Tank

Now listen up, I like to work out as much as the next person (which is rarely). 

I'm just kidding. Honestly, I do love working out and getting that endorphin high.  I'm not crazy overboard about it, but it really makes me feel like a responsible functioning member of society when I do. Not to mention the guilt-free junk food eating habits

However, as I've mentioned before, I tend to lack motivation with many things in my life.  Unsurprisingly, that includes working out. Part of the lackadaisical mindset comes from getting dressed to go do the deed. I want to wear something comfy, where my thighs don't jiggle or rub together, and where I feel like my middle third of my body is being contained. T-shirts work wonderfully for the latter part of this conundrum, and yoga capri's work for the former.  

What I've also come to realize, working out in Texas, is that I can't stand to have sleeves.  I sweat (which is on my top 5 list of Things I Love Least).  I sweat a lot.  Especially when late Spring - early Fall is 90+ degrees.  I can't waste all my tanks on working out! 

Luckily, there's no need to worry.  Catherine, over at Rabbit Food for My Bunny Teeth has solved my problems.  A kick butt, awesome workout tank made from old t-shirts.  Luckily I only have 70,000 old shirts I would love to be able to re-use! And, more importantly, it's easy. Seriously, I'm in the middle of doing this right now (nothing like some good old-fashioned ADD), it's embarrassingly easy. 

A loose-fitting, no-sleeved, work out outfit may just get me to the gym. (I mean, way more than I already do...right?)

Also - check out Catherine's blog too - it's pretty freaking awesome!!

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