Monday, November 5, 2012

Pom Pom Love

I've explained before about my enormous love for all things pom poms.  I just wanted to reiterate...I love them. I do. I love them and can't get enough of them! They are by far the easiest DIY decoration you can do to spice up any area, room, space, hallway, I don't care! 

I don't even know where to begin with pom poms and events.  To me, it just makes an event look tasteful.  Tasteful and put together. Pom poms look difficult and that the utmost care and diligence was given when creating the works of art - but let's be honest, they take two seconds and add so much! 

My latest obsession with pom poms is to put it together with different artistic mediums. Use twine and some Styrofoam and create a giant ball to mix it up and give the creation some different textures, sizes, and color. Pair it with some paper lanterns (because let's face it, between paper lanterns and pom poms - who can really choose which is best?) This helps create more of a 3d feel to any party, any room, and just makes things come to life! (Well, not literally).  

Don't you agree??

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