Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life, on a stick.

One of my absolute favorite foods has to be salad.  I love that you can make salads however you want them to, and they can be different each time - as long as they have the lettuce.

Being from Wisconsin, I'm also a huge, giant fan of fried food.  I like everything fried - however, my waistline does not.  State fairs have given us the opportunities to have your favorite things fried, and put on a stick! I think their reasoning is that if you're able to walk and eat this greasy, obesity-inducing piece of heaven, then you're at least doing something good for your life, and working off those calories whilst you "exercise"

I've always wondered how to combine the two.  Not necessarily to deep fry lettuce (that thought makes me gag!) but to make your healthy food choice, more mobile.

This weekend got me excited when I found out that, THERE IS A WAY! It's a great idea for a party - you can use them as a healthy alternative for hors d'oeuvres! This allows your guests to still mingle while munching, but with less buttons popping on their slacks!

From Be Different...Act Normal  and Sweet Paul you can see the perfect way to make this salad-on-a-stick!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought you could "do" salad on a stick! Cute idea!
