Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dancing with Myself

I don't have a whole lot this week - due to an unfortunately avocado slicing incident. My palm was the only casualty. (If you're keeping track, the score is Cooking - 1 Alyssa - 1). Typing too long proves to be a difficult task and full of entirely too many spelling errors.  So, I'll leave you with the current song in my head (as it has been for the past week).  And let you do your own slide and snap dance! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you've clearly never seen me dance to oldies music. Sorry I'm not sorry. 

Also - if someone can fill me in on this Harlem Shake business, I'd appreciate it.  I don't care to take the time to try to listen to the song and see what this phenomenon is. (I felt the same way about Gagnam Style)  I've been about 4 months late on these dance trends lately.  It's made me feel insanely old and frankly, blonde hair don't care. (Except the pop culture fanatic inside me - I NEED TO UNDERSTAND!)

Enjoy your St Patrick's Weekend! 

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