Monday, April 8, 2013

Rangers Home Opener

Hey Y'all!

This is for my good friend Helene.  She's wonderful. And awesome. And absolutely ridiculous.  I think the latter is my favorite part about her. Seeing as I've known her for about 2.5 years, I can tell you that her blog is absolutely spot on with who she is.  Friendly, Random, and beyond hilarious. It's a great read, I laugh every day.  I'll participate more in her Travel Tuesdays link up (since traveling is my absolute favorite!) when I find time to recap my favorite adventures... in the meantime...

Helene in Between

As promised - a recap of my superfun Friday. 

I love baseball.  It's probably my favorite sport to watch - live anyways.  That atmosphere is something else.  The smells, the people, and the baseball players in their little baseball pants!

So, sure enough, I got up at the break of freaking dawn. Granted it was a half hour later than I would normally be at work, but it's all for the cause, right? Good thing it was in the forties and I was wearing shorts. After being called numerous names (like crazy, and absolutely out of my mind),  we were on our merry way! 

Hellooooooo Baseball! 

(Yes, that is the sun still rising...)
Enjoying our day off

We weren't the only ones
We were prepared.
 But still managed to forget a flipper for the burgers on the grill, and put the grill plate on upside down.  Plastic forks work surprisingly well! (I think, I wasn't in charge of the grilling!)

 Having some fun in my sunglasses.  Maybe a little to much fun..

We had to stop on the way into the game and buy Mumford and Sons tickets.  
 We may have created a traffic jam trying to get the full wifi signal...

We weren't the only ones at the game, apparently
Enjoyin' the show

Jack Ingram singing to 'merica

Pomp and Circumstance

The BEST thing about the ballpark - Garlic Fries!!

Opening Day #2 (We have this exact same picture from last year)

The whole group!

It was a long exhausting day, and I fell asleep, no joke, 30 seconds after I got home.  Forgot to let the dog out and everything (She was not happy).  But, was so much fun, wouldn't change it for anything.  It's ok to be jealous. I would be.

Actually, the only regret I have is that my hair is out of control.  According to these pictures, I need a cut and color baaaaaaaad. 


  1. whooo hoo, you linked up (although I don't see the travel tuesday button :( haha, jk kinda. i won't hurt you)
    looks like y'all had a blast. and i think your hair looks good!

  2. I just bought our Ranger's tix for the next 2 months. Love the games!

    1. They are so much fun! What a great way to spend a night or weekend!

  3. Was drawn to your blog by the name via the bloghop, but then I quickly realized we'd be friends: Why? Sports, texas, and you clearly love the color seafoam.

  4. looks fun! i used to live in denton but never made it to a rangers game
